
Law ensures importers to have back the added value tax paid for imported goods, but they have to retrieve a document, now called H, plus some number depending on the specific type of operation, document H7 for instance.

Now, this document is sometimes provided by the forwarders and sometimes no.

It wouldn’t be a problem per se, as nominally importers have the possibility to retrieve this document from the customs website, and yet, excluded a probable full week spent to try surfing the whole linked portals, and possible hints by someone who has already discovered the secret, it is practically impossible: all the people asked keep providing a ”guide” which is either obsolete or showing a view different from the one available to the users, and they keep doing that despite warning them it doesn’t work.

You have to choose whether to hire an expert who already knows the absurd and irrational way to download such a document or lose the amount due as a right.

Not a big news, just one of the usual examples, here.

As an appendix, another typical deed is that, if you make it public, once the problem is solved (i.e. H documents are downloadable easily, normally and rationally), they could claim that you were wrong, because, look, it works (after years it should have but didn’t).

numbers & words